Cameron Dieterich
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Dude, What Would Happen

Producer, Writer | Television
 In 2008, the Executives at Cartoon Network decided that "cartoons weren't cool anymore" and pushed all new development dollars towards live-action programming. It was a gamble that ultimately failed - the bottom line being that kids and adults love

In 2008, the Executives at Cartoon Network decided that "cartoons weren't cool anymore" and pushed all new development dollars towards live-action programming. It was a gamble that ultimately failed - the bottom line being that kids and adults love their cartoons!

 Of the 20+ shows that made it to air, only 2 went on to succeed.  One of those was  Dude, What Would Happen  - a show where 3 boys tried to answer the questions all kids want to know, such as, "how many helium balloons does it take to fly a sum

Of the 20+ shows that made it to air, only 2 went on to succeed.  One of those was Dude, What Would Happen - a show where 3 boys tried to answer the questions all kids want to know, such as, "how many helium balloons does it take to fly a sumo wrestler" or "can you make popcorn with a flamethrower?" 

Dude ended its run after 4 seasons and was consistently one of the top performers in the network's key demo (Boys 6-11).